Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So my little brother, Brady, finally got his mission call. He will be going to the Pampico, Mexico mission. I am not too up to date on my Mexican geography, but I am told that it is somewhere close to the Gulf of Mexico. He doesn't enter the MTC until October 8th, so he has some time to earn some more $$$ before he heads out. The only problem in this plan is that my parents are in the middle of moving to St. Louis for my dad's new job. My dad has been living there since the end of April. My parents have sold their house in Iowa and are suppose to be out of their house on August 22. So now my brother has to find someone to live with in Iowa or move to St. Louis with my parents for a month and a half....My parents always seem to move at the worst times. Anyhow, I just can't believe that my little brother is old enough to serve a mission--I swear he is still 8 years old!

1 comment:

TheMerkelFamily said...

The Avery family is busy busy! So everytime I get a minute to call you, You are working! What's that about? When are you going to become a stay at home mom or at least a graveyard worker???? Miss you!