Thursday, July 31, 2008


So, several months ago I decided that I needed to get in better shape. Somehow better shape became me agreeing to run a 10k race on September 6th, 2008. I've never been one for running and when we had to do it in high school I would feel like I was going to die before the end of mile one. Let's just say that running has never been my thing. Well, I figured if I am going to run 6 miles, I better figure out how to get there. So at the end of May/beginning of June, I found a training program that took someone like me that couldn't run more than one minute and trains them for a 5k in eight short weeks. It must be a miracle program cause it worked!! Today I ran three miles without stopping!! I have definetly amazed myself. I never thought I would even get this far. Now I have about one month to get another 3 miles in and need to start running outside. So if anyone would like to join me for a run outside, let me know.
FYI--I will be running either early in the morning or once the sun goes down cause running in 100 degrees does not float my boat!!

1 comment:

TheMerkelFamily said...

COngratulations, my dear! What's the name of this program?