Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What an exciting life I lead...

Still nothing too exciting to report. I have been traveling the last week and a half for work so nothing too exciting to report. The first part of last week I was in Denver for some work training. Than nothing too exciting for the weekend. I swear sometimes I feel a lot older than 26! Than on Monday evening I traveled down to Cedar City for some depositions so I decided to have dinner with one of my cousins, Adri, that lives in Cedar now. We had a great time at dinner and I loved meeting all of her kids. The last time I saw her was at her brothers, Stevie, wedding and that was 2 years ago!

Well, nothing else exciting to report for this week. I don't know what we are going to do on Valentine's Day. I would rather just stay at home and do something special a different day of the week to be honest. And than on Sunday and Monday I am going up to Huntington, Utah to make some crafts and hang out with some of my cousins that I haven't seen in years!! Should be fun and I get a day off of work---what could be better?!

But I hope everyone has a happy Valentines Day or single awareness day--whichever they prefer!

1 comment:

T said...

Aww! So glad you guys were able to meet up! Sounds like you a had a busy week, you lil' jet setter!