Wednesday, August 10, 2011

catchin' up

It has been another busy two months. Carter is getting so big (and so am I!) Luckily it has been a pretty mild summer, but we have managed to stay pretty busy which helps make the weeks go by pretty quickly. We are still working on a name for baby girl, but her room is almost ready for her.
Carter has started to get pretty independent and has figured out how to climb and get into everything as you can see here.

We weren't sure how Carter would do with the fireworks this year. He LOVED them! He even tried to help daddy out with them. It was nice this year in Salt Lake because they changed the laws and now you can buy the bigger fireworks so we didn't have to go anywhere as we had quite the shows from our street of several large firework displays.

A couple of weekends after the 4th we met Jamie, Amanda, the girls, and Alex at the zoo. It started off as a pretty warm day, but about halfway thru our trip it started to POUR RAIN!! Carter found a few puddles in jump in and his cousins help him enjoy the rain. He was exhausted by the end of our trip.

Carter turned 19 months old! He is getting so big so fast! He loves to eat, play with the dogs, and help out mommy and daddy. He also gives his baby sister kisses and hugs (well on my belly)

Jason and I gave in and got a membership to Discovery Gateway (kids museum). It was less than the cost of going two times. Carter had SOOOOO much fun! Here he is playing in the life flight helicopter. We also discovered that if you go on Sundays no one is there. He played so hard for over 2 hours and fell asleep on the way home!

Alex introduced us to free outdoor concert at canyons ski resort. Carter had a blast being outside and getting to eat without being restrained. The band wasn't very good the time we went, but we all had a great time being outside and doing something different on a Saturday night.

Did I mention that Carter loves helping out! He likes to help with whatever we are doing from unloading the dishwasher, cleaning dishes, cleaning the blinds, sweeping the floor, putting laundry away. It is SOOOO cute!

Well it will only be a few more weeks until baby girl arrives. I can't belive how fast time has gone by. It is definetly more challenging to be pregnant with a toddler and definetly more tiring.

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