Monday, September 27, 2010
Going to the chapel...
This past weekend Steve and Tanika got married at Millenial Falls in Draper, UT. It was a great night! Jason's parents even drove down from Montana for the event.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
1/2 marathon done!!!
So little man turned nine months on last Sunday! Apparently he is shocked too!!!

He is definetly getting more and more mobile. He even managed to crawl right out of his pants!!

Another new trick we learned is to climb up the stairs! We had just put our baby gates in when we discovered that he was halfway up the stairs (the gate was at the top so he didn't fall down-we didn't know or think he could climb up yet)

The dogs are not a big fan of the gates.....

This past weekend Jason, Carter, Ben, Leslie (and Izzie) and I traveled down to Cedar City so that Leslie and I could run our first half marathon! Leslie did awesome (you can see her finish time). I didn't run quite as fast, but I did finish and ran more than half of the race. It definetly feels good to have finished and to accomplish a goal I never thought I would.

Izzie and Carter waiting for momma to finish the race
After the race, we cleaned up, grabed some Chili's to go and went to the park to have some lunch. Than Jason, Carter, and I headed down to my Grandma's house. We went and visited my grandpa and than played for the rest of the afternoon. Carter LOVED chasing around this remote control car. He definetly was worn out by the end of the day!

Last night while Leslie and I were at a movie, Jason found Carter trying to play the piano. For those of you that know my husband well...this meant sooo much to him.
We've got another couple of busy weeks ahead of us. Jason's buddy Steve gets married on Friday than next weekend my family is here and the weekend after that we are going to Albuquerque to see the Balloon Fiesta. If life could just slow down for a few months.....
He is definetly getting more and more mobile. He even managed to crawl right out of his pants!!
Another new trick we learned is to climb up the stairs! We had just put our baby gates in when we discovered that he was halfway up the stairs (the gate was at the top so he didn't fall down-we didn't know or think he could climb up yet)
The dogs are not a big fan of the gates.....
This past weekend Jason, Carter, Ben, Leslie (and Izzie) and I traveled down to Cedar City so that Leslie and I could run our first half marathon! Leslie did awesome (you can see her finish time). I didn't run quite as fast, but I did finish and ran more than half of the race. It definetly feels good to have finished and to accomplish a goal I never thought I would.
After the race, we cleaned up, grabed some Chili's to go and went to the park to have some lunch. Than Jason, Carter, and I headed down to my Grandma's house. We went and visited my grandpa and than played for the rest of the afternoon. Carter LOVED chasing around this remote control car. He definetly was worn out by the end of the day!
Last night while Leslie and I were at a movie, Jason found Carter trying to play the piano. For those of you that know my husband well...this meant sooo much to him.
And if anyone knows of a cheap 10k at the end of October let me know.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Another month has passed....
Wow--summer is over already!! We've had another busy four weeks and I can't believe my baby will be 9 months tomorrow!!!
Well the second weekend in August, my old college roomate came to SLC with her two kiddos (and mom) for a visit so we hit up the zoo. It was actually a pretty cool day for August. I couldn't believe Sarah had never been to the SLC zoo!!
The only way we can get Carter's hair this way is with sunscreen! (and lots of it!!)
It was a very busy day at the zoo! It was this babies first birthday! They even gave her cake and presents!!
The mommies and their babies (sorry Pipi's head got cut out of the shot). Blame Hubby
Here's the 3 babies (minus Bridger). You would never guess that Carter and Zoey (on the left) are four months apart or that Zoey and Pipi (right) are only 1 week apart!
Jill and Zoey, me and Carter, Sarah and Pipi

A few weeks ago we decided that Mr. Man has outgrown his baby tub and since he can sit on his own we decided to let him take baths in the big tub. He LOVES it!!! He loves splashing around and being able to move around too. He is such a water baby!!

We got a new vacuum and Mr. Man decided he needed to see what was in the box!

Last weekend, Jeff (Jason's brother) came to SLC for a visit! What a crazy busy weekend we had. The siblings (Jamie, Jeff, Jason, and Alex) all got to go golfing. We went swimming, watched CU vs CSU, went to the Children's Museum, did some bbqing and hung out.
Carter loved throwing the rings and having Elle go get them. He watched her the whole time
Carter couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of Elle. She is so sweet to him too!
Carter splashing in the water
Uncle Jeff and Carter after a long afternoon of swimming
The sunset from Jamie's house

Alex and Carter
On Monday (Labor Day), everyone except Amanda and Maddi went to the Children's Museum. All the kids seem to have a blast--including Carter!
Carter in the construction area
Carter and Uncle Jeff
They had all these little "cars" around to play with. They were the perfect size for Carter
Tori climbing
and now Carter's turn............
and Elle's turn...............
Tori, Alex, and Carter
Jason and Tori

Mr. Man had soo much fun!!
Well the second weekend in August, my old college roomate came to SLC with her two kiddos (and mom) for a visit so we hit up the zoo. It was actually a pretty cool day for August. I couldn't believe Sarah had never been to the SLC zoo!!
The next day Sarah, Jota, Holly, and I all met up at Sugarhouse Park for some lunch and some good company. I can't believe it has been 10 years since we all met!!!
A few weeks ago we decided that Mr. Man has outgrown his baby tub and since he can sit on his own we decided to let him take baths in the big tub. He LOVES it!!! He loves splashing around and being able to move around too. He is such a water baby!!
We got a new vacuum and Mr. Man decided he needed to see what was in the box!
Last weekend, Jeff (Jason's brother) came to SLC for a visit! What a crazy busy weekend we had. The siblings (Jamie, Jeff, Jason, and Alex) all got to go golfing. We went swimming, watched CU vs CSU, went to the Children's Museum, did some bbqing and hung out.
On Monday (Labor Day), everyone except Amanda and Maddi went to the Children's Museum. All the kids seem to have a blast--including Carter!
Mr. Man had soo much fun!!
What another busy month!! Carter finally got his first tooth about a week ago (thank goodness!) He was being a little cranky, which is not like him at all. He has started pulling up on EVERYTHING and wants to be wherever we are! He is such a fun kid.
Next week I have my 1/2 marathon in Cedar City and I am pretty nervous. I never imagined that I would ever be doing something like this. I guess you really can do anything you put your mind to.
Than the week after the race Jason's long time buddy Steve is getting married, than Brady comes home from his mission, than my parents will be here for LDS conference, than we go to Albuquerque for the Balloon Fiesta with Jeff and Alyssa.
When does life slow down????
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