Saturday, April 17, 2010

race day

Carter turned four months old on the 12th. Where has time gone?!

Today, I ran my first 5k post baby. It was part of the Salt Lake Marathon. It was a GORGEOUS day!! Leslie ran it with me and Ben did the bike tour. It was fun to watch all the thousands of runners. It was pretty inspiring! I am seriously considering training for a 1/2 marathon now. I'm pretty sure I have lost my mind!

Ben and Leslie before our 5k and after Ben's bike race

Leslie and me before our "race"

And after the race

Carter and I

Half the photo is in the shade...but still a cute family photo


Olsen_Family said...

Way to go running that 5K. That is a huge accomplishment. You are awesome. It looked like it was a perfect day to be running a race. Congrats!!

Adri and Cory said...

Way to go Jen! I am so proud of you! I hope you are planning on doing the 4th of July one with me!!! Also there is one for Summer Games down here that would be fun! Let me know! Way to go!!!