I can't believe it has been
5 years already!! What a whirlwind it has been. We have been so blessed by amazing family and friends, great jobs, a nice house, 2 fun dogs, and a beautiful baby boy. We left Mr. Man in daycare on Friday and celebrated just the two of us. We went and saw "How to Train Your Dragon" (highly recommended) and than went and had some sushi at the Gateway. We walked around for a little bit and than went home and relaxed for a little bit, enjoying the house w/o Carter. After we picked up Carter from daycare, we went and grabbed some In N' Out, dropped Mr Man off with Alyssa and went to the Nicklecade. We than picked up Carter (he was SOUND ASLEEP) and got a bottle of wine and some ice cream to finish off the night. Happy Anniversary honey! Here's to many more years to come

Carter will be 6 months old this Saturday. His personality comes out more and more each day. He is such an easy going, relaxed baby.

On Saturday, Alyssa invited us to the pool again. Carter and I went while Dad and Jeff (and Steve) built the rest of our fence. Can you tell this child likes the sun and water?! He is definetly my child! :)

So we have caught Carter "scotting" a couple of times. He is really good at pushing himself all the way up on his arms until his arms are straight. He also gets his legs going pretty good too. Too bad he seems to have NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in sitting up on his own. Everytime I try he pushes his legs straight and falls down. I guess he will do everything when he wants to...

Here is the beginning stage of the rest of our fence. If you want to see the rest I guess you will just have to come over. It has been so nice this week just letting our dogs run free and not having to tie them up everytime they go outside. Thanks Jeff (and Steve) for your help!!

So for the last couple of days Carter just hasn't seemed to get full enough from either breastmilk or formula so we decided it was probably time to start some rice cereal. Here is his first feeding from Sunday. (He looks like such a big boy in his highchair)

He's ready for it....

Mouth open....

Already trying to help mom....

Such a cutie!!!
Mr. Man will have his 6 month check up next Monday. Hopefully he does okay with his shots because I have to leave town for work that afternoon. It will be my first overnight trip away from him. I hope that I do okay....
And the training for the 1/2 marathon seems right on target. I wanted to do the one at Disneyland, but Jason said no. So I think I will be running the Cedar City one on Sept 18th. Apparently it is one of the fastest courses in the nation (cause it's almost all downhill). Sounds perfect to me!!!
Also Jason and I have started doing p90x to get rid of the rest of the baby weight. It is such a good work out (and we've only done 5 of them!)
Hope everyone else is enjoying the summer!